Islamic date today 1445 H | Hijri date today

Islamic date today 1445, Hijri date today Hijri and Gregorian date year 1445 - 2024 Hijri calendar Hijri and Gregorian date Today's Hijri and Gregorian date Conversion of the date between Gregorian and Hijri

Today Hijri Date 10 Ramadan 1445
Today Hijri Date Numeric 10-09-1445
Today is Wednesday
Today Gregorian Date 20 Mar 2024
Today Gregorian Date Numeric 20-03-2024
Is it a leap year? 2024 It's not a leap year
Julian Date 2460390

You can also convert the Hijri Date to Gregorian, or convert Gregorian to Hijri

Hijri to Gregorian

Gregorian to Hijri

Today's Hijri and Gregorian date Hijri calendar Hijri and Gregorian date Today's Hijri and Gregorian date Conversion of the date between Gregorian and Hijri

Hijri Year

The Hijri year consists of 354.3 days, and the number of months is 12 months. The month comes in the Hijri year with either 29 or 30 days. The beginning of the Hijri year depends on the beginning of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad, and it is a lunar year, that is, it depends on the moon in determining the beginning and end of the month, by observing the moon with the naked eye. Here is a list of the names of the months of the Hijri year with the numbers arranged in ascending order:
  • Muharram
  • Safar
  • Rabi I
  • Rabi II
  • Jumada I
  • Jumada II
  • Rajab
  • Shaaban
  • Ramadan
  • Shawwal
  • Dhu al-Qidah
  • Dhu al-Hijjah

Gregorian Year

The Gregorian year consists of 365.25 days and the number of months in it is 12 months. Usually the month is either 30 or 31 days, except for the second month, which is the month of February, which is either 28 or 29 days, and this month comes 29 days in the year known as the leap year (Leap Year), which comes once every four years, and the Gregorian date depends on the birth of the Prophet Jesus, and it relies on the sun, meaning it is a solar date, and the following is a list of the months of the Gregorian year with the numbers arranged in ascending order:
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December